Dallas Simmons


Dallas Lamar Simmons was born on September 18, 1979 at the DC Women’s Hospital to his Father, the late Mr. Henry Lee Simmons and Mrs. Freddie M. Simmons, who remains an active fountain of wisdom, and a wonderful Mother & Grandmother.  Between the ages of three and eight, he suffered many seizures; However, through the fervent prayers of his Spiritual Father, the late Apostle Ralph E. Green, he was delivered from those tormenting spirits and has not had one occurrence of seizures since.  Dallas was reared by his Father and Mother in the Forestville, Maryland area.  He and his immediate family have attended The Free Gospel Deliverance Temple (F.G.D.T.) for over 35 Years or more.  Mr. Simmons was baptized in the name of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ around the age of 6 or 7, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost at the age of 15, on July 30, 1995.  Since that day of divine empowerment, Dallas began breaking out of his shell of shyness, especially throughout his high school and collegiate years by testifying of Christ’s saving, delivering, and healing power, that has brought about a wonderful change in his life! 

 During his adolescent years and some of his early adulthood, Dallas wrestled against many demons of lust, perversion, and various negative habits; However, through several seasons of intense fasting and prayer, he received his full deliverance from those evil bondages and continues to walk in victory over them!  By the grace of God, He has prayed for others who’ve also struggled with sinful addictions, etc. and has helped many receive true freedom also!

Mr. Simmons attended PGCC in 2000 and graduated from BSU in 2007 with a B.A. degree in Sociology and Psychology. From 1995-2004, Dallas served on the YFC (Youth Fellowship Christ) and the Mass Choir.  He served as a Sunday School Teacher between 1997-2006, while converting many lost souls to Christ as a member of The FGDT Community Outreach Team. Between 2004- 2011, Mr. Simmons ministered The Word of God on a consistent basis to inmates in DC Jail, juveniles in CTF, Upper Marlboro Correctional Facility, Oak Hill Youth Facility & Other Correctional Facilities, as a Member of The FGDT Prison Ministry Team! Many souls have been saved, delivered, and healed (physically and emotionally), through the gifts of Christ working through him; To God be all the glory for the wondrous things he has done!

After years of inner reconstruction and a reintroduction to himself, Dallas finally met the virtuous queen of his dreams, in the person of Chiquita Faith Simmons!  On May 1st, 2011, they were married and have become a fruitful family of five, including the birth of their (1st born) daughter Sarah Faith Simmons on Jan. 13th, 2013, her younger brothers, Samuel Lamar Simmons, born on June 30th, 2014, and Elijah Lee Simmons, born on Aug. 6th, 2018!  Dallas & Chiquita are living testimonies that “If any man or woman be; in Christ Jesus, they are a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”, according to II Corinthians Chapter 5 and verse 17!

Dallas and Chiquita have come through many trials, seasons of frustration, while waiting on clarity from the Voice of Their Heavenly Father, ABBA!  After many years of service, prayer, fasting, meditation, growth, and maturity, they heard from GOD to go forth, preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and advance His Kingdom throughout all of the earth!  All praise, glory, and honor are continually due to our soon coming King, Jesus Christ!  When we shall see HIM, our desire is that HE will say to us “Well done you good and faithful servants…”!

Chiquita Simmons

C0-Founder/First Lady

Chiquita Simmons, was born in Birmingham, Alabama, and is second to the oldest of four children. She attended elementary school in Maryland, and attended high school in Washington, DC. Throughout her young life, she attended church regularly and was involved in the choir, Sunday school, and the Arts department. Her family moved to Washington, DC and they eventually became members of Free Gospel Deliverance Temple in Capitol Heights, Maryland where she served on the Youth For Christ choir. She received the Holy Ghost under the leadership of the late Apostle Ralph Green and Senior Pastor, Shirley Green. After graduating high school, she enrolled in undergraduate school at Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia and majored in Mass Communications with a concentration in Print Media and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree. During her last year of undergraduate school is where she really developed her relationship with God. After graduation, she moved back to the Washington, DC area and started working for a law firm. A few years later she enrolled in bible classes in the Maryland area and continued her walk with the Lord. In 2010, she enrolled in an accelerated program at Nyack College in Washington, DC and graduated with a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership in 2012. 

As time progressed, she reconnected with a friend (Dallas Simmons) who she had known for quite some time as they were on the choir together at Free Gospel. Although, years prior to that point, she did not think that the two who were once friends, that God has something bigger in store for them and that they would one day become married. After courting for a short while, Dallas proposed, and they were married in May of 2011. Since then, they have had three children, Sarah, Samuel, and Elijah and reside in the Southern Maryland area. Prior to this point, Dallas knew he was called to preach the Gospel and someday start a ministry; however, the vision was not as clear until the two got married. The two of them realized the true purpose and meaning of why God brings a man and a woman together

– ultimately, for PURPOSE!